Thursday, March 8, 2012

1111.6197 (Antonio Scala)

Event Driven Langevin simulations of Hard Spheres    [PDF]

Antonio Scala

1203.1409 (Manoel Manghi et al.)

Hydrodynamic effects in driven soft matter    [PDF]

Manoel Manghi, Xaver Schlagberger, Yong-Woon Kim, Roland R. Netz

1203.1420 (Veniamin Blinov)

Local orientational order in the Stockmayer liquid    [PDF]

Veniamin Blinov

1203.1516 (François Ladieu et al.)

Nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities in supercooled liquids: a toy

François Ladieu, Coralie Brun, Denis L'Hôte

1203.1532 (Stephan Ulrich et al.)

Stability of freely falling granular streams    [PDF]

Stephan Ulrich, Annette Zippelius

1203.1546 (Jelena Pesic et al.)

Structural Responses of Quasi-2D Colloid Fluids to Excitations Elicited
by Nonequilibrium Perturbations

Jelena Pesic, Xinliang Xu, Joseph Zsolt Terdik, Alejandro Lopez, Stuart A. Rice, Aaron R. Dinner, Norbert F. Scherer

1203.1549 (Miguel Lagos et al.)

Evidence of a two--dimensional grain sliding regime in the plastic
deformation of micron and sub--micron films

Miguel Lagos, Víctor Conte, Michel Ignat

1203.1565 (J. Paturej. A. Milchev et al.)

Polymer Detachment Kinetics from Adsorbing Surface: Theory, Simulation
and Similarity to Infiltration into Porous Medium

J. Paturej. A. Milchev, V. G. Rostiashvili, T. A. Vilgis