Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1106.2042 (V. Blavatska et al.)

Shapes of macromolecules in good solvents: field theoretical
renormalization group approach

V. Blavatska, C. von Ferber, Yu. Holovatch

1110.1241 (H. W. Diehl et al.)

Critical Casimir effect in films for generic non-symmetry-breaking
boundary conditions

H. W. Diehl, Felix M. Schmidt

1202.4491 (Igor Zhyganiuk)

Generalized Stillinger--David Potential    [PDF]

Igor Zhyganiuk

1202.4548 (M. Holovko et al.)

Maier-Saupe nematogenic fluid: field theoretical approach    [PDF]

M. Holovko, D. di Caprio, I. Kravtsiv

1202.4557 (D. F. Schwanzer et al.)

Two-dimensional systems with competing interactions: microphase
formation under the effect of a disordered porous matrix

D. F. Schwanzer, G. Kahl

1202.4595 (X. -G. Han et al.)

Effects of polymer concentration and chain length on aggregation in
physically associating polymer solutions

X. -G. Han, X. -F. Zhang, Y. -H. Ma, C. -X. Zhang, Y. -B. Guan

1202.4645 (Raffaele Pastore et al.)

'Flow & Jam' of frictional athermal systems under shear stress    [PDF]

Raffaele Pastore, Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Antonio Coniglio

1202.4691 (Teresa Ruiz-Herrero et al.)

Mechanisms of budding of nanoscale particles through lipid bilayers    [PDF]

Teresa Ruiz-Herrero, Enrique Velasco, Michael F. Hagan

1202.4748 (M. Gross et al.)

Simulation of static critical phenomena in non-ideal fluids with the
Lattice Boltzmann method

M. Gross, F. Varnik