Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1107.0459 (Klaus Morawetz)

Theory of water and charged liquid bridges    [PDF]

Klaus Morawetz

1110.4790 (Rodolfo Omar Uñac et al.)

Effect of packing fraction on the jamming of granular flow through small

Rodolfo Omar Uñac, Ana María Vidales, Luis A. Pugnaloni

1110.4793 (C. Manuel Carlevaro et al.)

Arches and contact forces in a granular pile    [PDF]

C. Manuel Carlevaro, Luis A. Pugnaloni

1111.6898 (Orencio Duran et al.)

Numerical simulation of turbulent sediment transport, from bed load to

Orencio Duran, Bruno Andreotti, Philippe Claudin

1112.5351 (Nicolas Brodu et al.)

Shallow granular flows down flat frictional channels: steady flows and
longitudinal vortices

Nicolas Brodu, Patrick Richard, Renaud Delannay

1201.1866 (Martín Sánchez et al.)

Universal response of optimal granular damping devices    [PDF]

Martín Sánchez, Gustavo Rosenthal, Luis A. Pugnaloni

1205.6263 (Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan et al.)

Adsorption of solutes at liquid-vapor interfaces: Insights from lattice
gas models

Suriyanarayanan Vaikuntanathan, Patrick R. Shaffer, Phillip L. Geissler

1205.6289 (Nicoletta Gnan et al.)

How solvent properties control aggregation of hard-sphere colloids    [PDF]

Nicoletta Gnan, Emanuela Zaccarelli, Piero Tartaglia, Francesco Sciortino

1205.6291 (Piero Chiarelli et al.)

Poroelastic longitudinal wave equation for soft living tissues    [PDF]

Piero Chiarelli, Bruna Vinci, Antonio Lanatá, Clara Lagomarsini, Simone Chiarelli

1205.6297 (Thomas Burgener et al.)

Particle and particle pair dispersion in turbulence modeled with
spatially and temporally correlated stochastic processes

Thomas Burgener, Dirk Kadau, Hans Jürgen Herrmann

1205.6453 (Rastko Sknepnek et al.)

Nonlinear elastic model for faceting of vesicles with soft grain

Rastko Sknepnek, Monica Olvera de la Cruz