Orencio Duran, Bruno Andreotti, Philippe Claudin
Sediment transport is studied as a function of the grain to fluid density ratio using two phase numerical sim- ulations based on a discrete element method (DEM) for particles coupled to a continuum Reynolds averaged description of hydrodynamics. At a density ratio close to unity (typically under water), vertical velocities are so small that sediment transport occurs in a thin layer at the surface of the static bed, and is called bed load. Steady, or 'saturated' transport is reached when the fluid borne shear stress at the interface between the mobile grains and the static grains is reduced to its threshold value. The number of grains transported per unit surface is therefore limited by the flux of horizontal momentum towards the surface. However, the fluid velocity in the transport layer remains almost undisturbed so that the mean grain velocity scales with the shear velocity u\ast. At large density ratio (typically in air), the vertical velocities are large enough to make the transport layer wide and dilute. Sediment transport is then called saltation. In this case, particles are able to eject others when they collide with the granular bed, a process called splash. The number of grains transported per unit surface is selected by the balance between erosion and deposition and saturation is reached when one grain is statistically replaced by exactly one grain after a collision, which has the consequence that the mean grain velocity remains independent of u\ast. The influence of the density ratio is systematically studied to reveal the transition between these two transport regimes. Based on the mechanisms identified in the steady case, we discuss the transient of saturation of sediment transport and in particular the saturation time and length. Finally, we investigate the exchange of particles between the mobile and static phases and we determine the exchange time of particles.
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