Thursday, April 25, 2013

1304.6419 (Kerstin Nordstrom et al.)

Granular Dynamics during Impact    [PDF]

Kerstin Nordstrom, Emily Lim, Matthew Harrington, Wolfgang Losert

1304.6507 (Michel Destrade)

Surface acoustic waves in rotating orthorhombic crystals    [PDF]

Michel Destrade

1304.6557 (Edgar M. Blokhuis et al.)

Density Functional Theory of a Curved Liquid-Vapour Interface:
Evaluation of the rigidity constants

Edgar M. Blokhuis, Alan E. van Giessen

1304.6568 (Ashwin J. et al.)

The Yield-Strain and Shear-Band Direction in Amorphous Solids Under
General Loading

Ashwin J., Oleg Gendelman, Itamar Procaccia, Carmel Shor

1304.6573 (Eric J. R. Parteli et al.)

Barchan dune asymmetry: Numerical investigation    [PDF]

Eric J. R. Parteli, Orencio DurĂ¡n, Mary C. Bourke, Haim Tsoar, Thorsten Poeschel, Hans J. Herrmann

1304.6598 (E. Victoria Dydek et al.)

Nonlinear Dynamics of Ion Concentration Polarization in Porous Media:
The Leaky Membrane Model

E. Victoria Dydek, Martin Z. Bazant

1304.6684 (N. Upadhyaya et al.)

Solitons and thermal fluctuations in strongly nonlinear solids    [PDF]

N. Upadhyaya, A. M. Turner, V. Vitelli

1304.6692 (N. Upadhyaya et al.)

Soliton attenuation and emergent hydrodynamics in fragile matter    [PDF]

N. Upadhyaya, L. R. Gomez, V. Vitelli