Wednesday, September 5, 2012

0809.3188 (Alexis Prevost et al.)

Probing the micromechanics of a multi-contact interface at the onset of
frictional sliding

Alexis Prevost, Julien Scheibert, Georges Debrégeas

1107.0217 (Simen Å. Ellingsen et al.)

Static and dynamic response of a fluid-fluid interface to electric point
and line charge

Simen Å. Ellingsen, Iver Brevik

1112.0747 (Rudolf Weeber et al.)

Hydrodynamic interactions in active colloidal crystal microrheology    [PDF]

Rudolf Weeber, Jens Harting

1209.0031 (John Gemmer et al.)

Shape Transitions in Hyperbolic Non-Euclidean Plates    [PDF]

John Gemmer, Shankar Venkataramani

1209.0032 (Hans M. Wyss et al.)

Capillary micromechanics: Measuring the elasticity of microscopic soft

Hans M. Wyss, Thomas Franke, Elisa Mele, David A. Weitz

1209.0035 (Jessica Hughes et al.)

A Classical Density-Functional Theory for Describing Water Interfaces    [PDF]

Jessica Hughes, Eric Krebs, David Roundy

1209.0149 (Takashi Uneyama et al.)

Crossover Time in Relative Fluctuations Characterizes the Longest
Relaxation Time of Entangled Polymers

Takashi Uneyama, Takuma Akimoto, Tomoshige Miyaguchi

1209.0163 (Ranganathan Prabhakar)

Enhancement of coil-stretch hysteresis by self-concentration in polymer

Ranganathan Prabhakar

1209.0205 (Martin Lundgren et al.)

On correlation between protein secondary structure, backbone bond
angles, and side-chain orientations

Martin Lundgren, Antti J. Niemi

1209.0208 (Martin Lundgren et al.)

Protein loops, solitons and side-chain visualization with applications
to the left-handed helix region

Martin Lundgren, Antti J. Niemi, Fan Sha

1209.0255 (A. De Virgiliis et al.)

Unexpected crossover dynamics of single polymer in a corrugated tube    [PDF]

A. De Virgiliis, L. Kuban, J. Paturej, D. Mukherji

1209.0360 (R. H. Dong et al.)

Critical domain-wall dynamics of model B    [PDF]

R. H. Dong, B. Zheng, N. J. Zhou

1209.0389 (Matthias Fuchs)

Elastic properties of colloidal solids with disorder    [PDF]

Matthias Fuchs

1209.0662 (Petr Yatsyshin et al.)

Capillary condensation revisited    [PDF]

Petr Yatsyshin, Nikos Savva, Serafim Kalliadasis