Monday, March 26, 2012

1108.2912 (Hanif Bayat Movahed et al.)

Free Energy Landscape of Protein-like Chains with Discontinuous

Hanif Bayat Movahed, Ramses van Zon, Jeremy Schofield

1112.0529 (Vladimir Y. Chernyak et al.)

Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically
Driven Stochastic Systems I: Average Currents

Vladimir Y. Chernyak, John R. Klein, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn

1201.2518 (Osman Kahraman et al.)

Morphogenesis of membrane invaginations in spherical confinement    [PDF]

Osman Kahraman, Norbert Stoop, Martin Michael Mueller

1203.5118 (Huaisong Yong et al.)

Driven polymer translocation through a cylindrical nanochannel:
Interplay between the channel length and the chain length

Huaisong Yong, Yilin Wang, Shichen Yuan, Bi Xu, Kaifu Luo

1203.5215 (Stephan Herminghaus)

Wetting on Random Roughness: the Ubiquity of Wenzel Prewetting    [PDF]

Stephan Herminghaus

1203.5216 (Andrea Fortini)

Clustering and gelation of hard spheres induced by the Pickering effect    [PDF]

Andrea Fortini

1203.5274 (Lukas Bogunovic et al.)

Particle sorting by a structured microfluidic ratchet device with
tunable selectivity: Theory and Experiment

Lukas Bogunovic, Ralf Eichhorn, Jan Regtmeier, Dario Anselmetti, Peter Reimann

1203.5275 (Thiago E. Colla et al.)

Equation of state of charged colloidal suspensions and its dependence on
the thermodynamic route

Thiago E. Colla, Alexandre P. dos Santos, Yan Levin

1203.5318 (Pascal Thebault et al.)

Tailoring Nanostructures Using Copolymer Nanoimprint Lithography    [PDF]

Pascal Thebault, Stefan Niedermayer, Stefan Landis, Nicolas Chaix, Patrick Guenoun, Jean Daillant, Xingkun Man, David Andelman, Henri Orland