Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1304.1936 (Elisa Londero et al.)

A van der Waals density functional mapping of attraction in DNA dimers    [PDF]

Elisa Londero, Per Hyldgaard, Elsebeth Schroder

1304.1937 (Haim Diamant et al.)

Shape and symmetry of a fluid-supported elastic sheet    [PDF]

Haim Diamant, Thomas A. Witten

1304.2115 (Michail E. Kavousanakis et al.)

Engineering the geometry of stripe-patterned surfaces towards efficient
wettability switching

Michail E. Kavousanakis, Carlos E. Colosqui, Athanasios G. Papathanasiou

1304.2130 (Philippe Boulanger et al.)

Inhomogeneous "longitudinal" circularly-polarized plane waves in
anisotropic elastic crystals

Philippe Boulanger, Michel Destrade, Michael A. Hayes

1304.2146 (Michel Destrade et al.)

Inhomogeneous "longitudinal" plane waves in a deformed elastic material    [PDF]

Michel Destrade, Michael Hayes

1304.2252 (A. J. Archer et al.)

Formation of quasicrystals and other exotic crystal structures in a
soft-core fluid: a tale of two length scales

A. J. Archer, A. M. Rucklidge, E. Knobloch

1304.2253 (Nathan C. Keim et al.)

Yielding and microstructure in a 2D jammed material under shear

Nathan C. Keim, Paulo E. Arratia