Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1205.5976 (Lars Wolff et al.)

A minimal model for the inelastic mechanics of biopolymer networks and

Lars Wolff, Klaus Kroy

1205.6007 (Carolina Brito et al.)

Pinned particles stabilize the soft modes of a nearly jammed system    [PDF]

Carolina Brito, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

1205.6070 (V. Chikkadi et al.)

Shear-induced anisotropic decay of correlations in hard-sphere colloidal

V. Chikkadi, S. Mandal, B. Nienhuis, D. Raabe, F. Varnik, P. Schall

1205.6090 (Hayato Shiba et al.)

Relationship between bond-breakage correlations and four-point
correlations in heterogeneous glassy dynamics: Configuration changes and
vibration modes

Hayato Shiba, Takeshi Kawasaki, Akira Onuki

1205.6125 (Daniel Santos-Oliván et al.)

Directional motion of forced polymer chains with hydrodynamic

Daniel Santos-Oliván, Alessandro Fiasconaro, Fernando Falo

1205.6126 (Alessandro Fiasconaro et al.)

A dynamical model for the full stretching curve of DNA    [PDF]

Alessandro Fiasconaro, Fernando falo

1205.6141 (Cunjing Lv et al.)

Ultrafast Spontaneous Motion of Nanodroplets    [PDF]

Cunjing Lv, Chao Chen, Yin-Chuan Chuang, Fan-Gang Tseng, Yajun Yin, Francois Grey, Quanshui Zheng

1205.6147 (Matthew F. Demers et al.)

A curvature-driven effective attraction in multicomponent membranes    [PDF]

Matthew F. Demers, Rastko Sknepnek, Monica Olvera de la Cruz