Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1209.5475 (Ramakrishna Podila et al.)

Effects of surface functional groups on the formation of
nanoparticle-protein corona

Ramakrishna Podila, Ran Chen, Pu Chun Ke, Apparao M. Rao

1209.5560 (Baptiste Percier et al.)

Modelling Washboard Road: from experimental measurements to linear
stability analysis

Baptiste Percier, Sébastien Manneville, Nicolas Taberlet

1209.5646 (S. Martens et al.)

Hydrodynamically enforced entropic trapping of Brownian particles    [PDF]

S. Martens, A. V. Straube, G. Schmid, L. Schimansky-Geier, P. Hänggi

1209.5649 (Yan Feng et al.)

Energy Transport in a Shear Flow of Particles in a 2D Dusty Plasma    [PDF]

Yan Feng, J. Goree, Bin Liu

1209.5676 (Yi Fan et al.)

Stratification, segregation and mixing of granular materials in quasi-2D
bounded heaps

Yi Fan, Youcef Boukerkour, Thibault Blanc, Paul B. Umbanhowar, Julio M. Ottino, Richard M. Lueptow