Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1211.4067 (D. McDermott et al.)

Domain and Stripe Formation Between Hexagonal and Square Ordered
Fillings of Colloidal Particles on Periodic Pinning Substrates

D. McDermott, J. Amelang, L. M. Lopatina, C. J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt

1211.4071 (Cem Yolcu et al.)

Effective field theory approach to fluctuation-induced forces between
colloids at an interface

Cem Yolcu, Ira Z. Rothstein, Markus Deserno

1211.4209 (A. Gnoli et al.)

Brownian ratchet driven by Coulomb friction    [PDF]

A. Gnoli, A. Petri, F. Dalton, G. Gradenigo, G. Pontuale, A. Sarracino, A. Puglisi

1211.4237 (Rei Tatsumi et al.)

Propagation of hydrodynamic interactions between particles in a
compressible fluid

Rei Tatsumi, Ryoichi Yamamoto

1211.4425 (Sebastian Schoebl et al.)

Influence of lattice disorder on the structure of persistent polymer

Sebastian Schoebl, Johannes Zierenberg, Wolfhard Janke

1211.4440 (Daan Frenkel)

Simulations: the dark side    [PDF]

Daan Frenkel

1211.4530 (Markus Spanner et al.)

Dynamic arrest in model porous media -- intermediate scattering

Markus Spanner, Simon K. Schnyder, Felix Höfling, Thomas Voigtmann, Thomas Franosch