Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1302.4541 (Shuxi Dai et al.)

Electrochemical Deposition of ZnO Hierarchical Nanostructures from
Hydrogel Coated Electrodes

Shuxi Dai, Yinyong Li, Zuliang Du, Kenneth R. Carter

1302.4551 (P. M. Derlet et al.)

Linking high and low temperature plasticity in bulk metallic glasses:
thermal activation, extreme value statistics and kinetic freezing

P. M. Derlet, R. Maaß

1302.4555 (Zaki Abiza et al.)

Large acoustoelastic effect    [PDF]

Zaki Abiza, Michel Destrade, Ray W. Ogden

1302.4556 (Michel Destrade et al.)

On stress-dependent elastic moduli and wave speeds    [PDF]

Michel Destrade, Ray W. Ogden

1302.4563 (Maximilien Levesque et al.)

Structure and dynamics in yttrium-based molten rare earth alkali

Maximilien Levesque, Vincent Sarou-Kanian, Mathieu Salanne, Mallory Gobet, Henri Groult, Catherine Bessada, Paul A. Madden, Anne-Laure Rollet

1302.4674 (A. V. Plyukhin)

Brownian diode: Molecular motor based on a semi-permeable Brownian
particle with internal potential drop

A. V. Plyukhin

1302.4696 (Greg Lever et al.)

Electrostatic considerations affecting the calculated HOMO-LUMO gap in
protein molecules

Greg Lever, Daniel J Cole, Nicholas D M Hine, Peter D Haynes, Mike C Payne

1302.4698 (N. Boechler et al.)

Interaction of a Contact Resonance of Microspheres with Surface Acoustic

N. Boechler, J. K. Eliason, A. Kumar, A. A. Maznev, K. A. Nelson, N. Fang

1302.4724 (Martin Castelnovo et al.)

Entropic control of particle sizes during viral self-assembly    [PDF]

Martin Castelnovo, Delphine Muriaux, Cendrine Faivre-Moskalenko