Thursday, January 17, 2013

1301.3543 (Patric Mueller et al.)

Event-driven Molecular Dynamics of Soft Particles    [PDF]

Patric Mueller, Thorsten Poeschel

1301.3571 (Hidetsugu Sakaguchi et al.)

Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Dendrites using Coupled Map

Hidetsugu Sakaguchi, Mai Gondou, Haruo Honjo

1301.3574 (M. G. Yucht et al.)

Dynamical behavior of disordered spring networks    [PDF]

M. G. Yucht, M. Sheinman, C. P. Broedersz

1301.3589 (M. Carme Calderer et al.)

Effective models for nematic liquid crystals composites with
ferromagnetic inclusions

M. Carme Calderer, Antonio DeSimone, Dmitry Golovaty, Alexander Panchenko

1301.3749 (Edgar M. Blokhuis)

The existence of a bending rigidity for a hard sphere liquid near a
curved hard wall: Helfrich or Hadwiger?

Edgar M. Blokhuis

1301.3800 (David A. Sivak et al.)

Time step rescaling recovers continuous-time dynamical properties for
discrete-time Langevin integration of nonequilibrium systems

David A. Sivak, John D. Chodera, Gavin E. Crooks