Thursday, November 8, 2012

1211.1458 (Tongcang Li et al.)

Brownian motion at short time scales    [PDF]

Tongcang Li, Mark G. Raizen

1211.1468 (Alan R. Denton et al.)

Fluctuations in Phase-Separating Fluid Mixtures: Virtual Gibbs Ensemble
Monte Carlo Simulations

Alan R. Denton, Michael P. Schmidt

1211.1551 (François Boulogne et al.)

The buckling and invagination process during consolidation of colloidal

François Boulogne, Frédérique Giorgiutti-Dauphiné, Ludovic Pauchard

1211.1645 (Joshua A. Anderson et al.)

Hard-disk equation of state: First-order liquid-hexatic transition in
two dimensions with three simulation methods

Joshua A. Anderson, Michael Engel, Sharon C. Glotzer, Masaharu Isobe, Etienne P. Bernard, Werner Krauth

1211.1646 (Joshua A. Anderson et al.)

Massively parallel Monte Carlo for many-particle simulations on GPUs    [PDF]

Joshua A. Anderson, Eric Jankowski, Thomas L. Grubb, Michael Engel, Sharon C. Glotzer