Wednesday, February 22, 2012

1202.4557 (D. F. Schwanzer et al.)

Two-dimensional systems with competing interactions: microphase
formation under the effect of a disordered porous matrix

D. F. Schwanzer, G. Kahl
We have investigated the effect of a disordered porous matrix on the cluster
microphase formation of a two dimensional system where particles interact via
competing interactions. To this end we have performed extensive Monte Carlo
simulations and have systematically varied the densities of the fluid and of
the matrix as well as the interaction between the matrix particles and between
the matrix and fluid particles. Our results provide evidence that the matrix
does have a distinct effect on the microphase formation of the fluid particles:
as long as the particles interact both among themselves as well as with the
fluid particles via a simple hard sphere potential, they essentially reduce the
available space, in which the fluid particles form a cluster microphase. On the
other hand, if we turn on a long-range tail in the matrix-matrix and in the
matrix-fluid interactions, the matrix particles become nucleation centers for
the clusters formed by the fluid particles.
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