Friday, February 3, 2012

1110.2202 (Ivo Buttinoni et al.)

Active Brownian Motion Tunable by Light    [PDF]

Ivo Buttinoni, Giovanni Volpe, Felix Kümmel, Giorgio Volpe, Clemens Bechinger
Active Brownian particles are capable of taking up energy from their
environment and converting it into directed motion; examples range from
chemotactic cells and bacteria to artificial micro-swimmers. We have recently
demonstrated that Janus particles, i.e. gold-capped colloidal spheres,
suspended in a critical binary liquid mixture perform active Brownian motion
when illuminated by light. In this article, we investigate in some more details
their swimming mechanism leading to active Brownian motion. We show that the
illumination-borne heating induces a local asymmetric demixing of the binary
mixture generating a spatial chemical concentration gradient, which is
responsible for the particle's self-diffusiophoretic motion. We study this
effect as a function of the functionalization of the gold cap, the particle
size and the illumination intensity: the functionalization determines what
component of the binary mixture is preferentially adsorbed at the cap and the
swimming direction (towards or away from the cap); the particle size determines
the rotational diffusion and, therefore, the random reorientation of the
particle; and the intensity tunes the strength of the heating and, therefore,
of the motion. Finally, we harness this dependence of the swimming strength on
the illumination intensity to investigate the behaviour of a micro-swimmer in a
spatial light gradient, where its swimming properties are space-dependent.
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