Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1202.1002 (Oliver Bäumchen et al.)

Slippage and Nanorheology of Thin Liquid Polymer Films    [PDF]

Oliver Bäumchen, Renate Fetzer, Mischa Klos, Matthias Lessel, Ludovic Marquant, Hendrik Hähl, Karin Jacobs
Thin liquid films on surfaces are part of our everyday life, they serve e.g.
as coatings or lubricants. The stability of a thin layer is governed by
interfacial forces, described by the effective interface potential, and has
been subject of many studies in the last decades. In recent years, the dynamics
of thin liquid films came into focus since results on the reduction of the
glass transition temperature raised new questions on the behavior of especially
polymeric liquids in confined geometries. The new focus was fired by
theoretical models that proposed significant implication of the boundary
condition at the solid/liquid interface on the dynamics of dewetting and the
form of a liquid front. Our study reflects these recent developments and adds
new experimental data to corroborate the theoretical models. To probe the
solid/liquid boundary condition experimentally, different ways are possible,
each bearing advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed. Studying
liquid flow on a variety of different substrates entails a view on the direct
implications of the substrate, the experimental focus of this study is the
variation of the polymer chain length: The results demonstrate that inter-chain
entanglements and in particular their density close to the interface,
originating from non-bulk conformations, govern liquid slip of a polymer.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1002

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