Friday, March 16, 2012

1203.3364 (S. Dagois-Bohy et al.)

Soft Sphere Packings at Finite Pressure but Unstable to Shear    [PDF]

S. Dagois-Bohy, B. P. Tighe, J. Simon, S. Henkes, M. van Hecke
When are athermal soft spheres packings jammed ? Any experimentally relevant definition must at the very least require a jammed packing to resist shear. We demonstrate that widely used (numerical) protocols in which particles are compressed together, can and do produce packings which are unstable to shear - and that the probability of generating such packings reaches one near jamming. We introduce a new protocol that, by allowing the system to explore different box shapes as it equilibrates, generates truly jammed packings with strictly positive shear moduli G. For these packings, the scaling of the average of G is consistent with earlier results, while the probability distribution P(G) exhibits novel and rich scaling
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