Monday, July 9, 2012

1207.1598 (O. Patsahan et al.)

Spatial inhomogeneities in ionic liquids, charged proteins and charge
stabilized colloids from collective variables theory

O. Patsahan, A. Ciach
Effects of size and charge asymmetry between oppositely charged ions or particles on spatial inhomogeneities are studied for a large range of charge and size ratios. We perform a stability analysis of the primitive model (PM) of ionic systems with respect to periodic ordering using the collective variables based theory. We extend previous studies [A. Ciach et al., Phys. Rev.E \textbf{75}, 051505 (2007)] in several ways. First, we employ a non-local approximation for the reference hard-sphere fluid which leads to the Percus-Yevick pair direct correlation functions for the uniform case. Second, we use the Weeks-Chandler-Anderson regularization scheme for the Coulomb potential inside the hard core. We determine the relevant order parameter connected with the periodic ordering and analyze the character of the dominant fluctuations along the $\lambda$-lines. We show that the above-mentioned modifications produce large quantitative and partly qualitative changes in the phase diagrams obtained previously. We discuss possible scenarios of the periodic ordering for the whole range of size- and charge ratios of the two ionic species, covering electrolytes, ionic liquids, charged globular proteins or nanoparticles in aqueous solutions and charge-stabilized colloids.
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