Friday, March 8, 2013

1303.1779 (Yoshiki Sawa et al.)

Shape and Chirality Transitions in Off-Axis Twist Nematic Elastomer

Yoshiki Sawa, Kenji Urayama, Toshikazu Takigawa, Vianney Gimenez-Pinto, Badel L. Mbanga, Fangfu Ye, Jonathan V. Selinger, Robin L. B. Selinger
Using both experiments and finite element simulations, we explore the shape evolution of off-axis nematic elastomer ribbons as a function of temperature. The elastomers are prepared by cross-linking the mesogens with planar anchoring of the director at top and bottom surfaces with a 90 degree left-handed twist. Shape evolution depends sensitively on the off-axis director orientation at the sample mid-plane. When the director at midplane is parallel to either the ribbon's long or short axes, ribbons form either helicoids or spirals depending on the aspect ratio and temperature. If the director at midplane is more than 5 degrees off-axis, then they form only spiral ribbons. Samples in all these geometries show a remarkable transition from right- to left-handed chiral shapes on change of temperature. Simulation studies provide insight into the mechanisms driving shape evolution and enable engineering design of these materials for future applications.
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