Thursday, March 14, 2013

1303.3113 (Daniele Coslovich et al.)

Cluster and reentrant anomalies of nearly Gaussian core particles    [PDF]

Daniele Coslovich, Atsushi Ikeda
We study through integral equation theory and numerical simulations the structure and dynamics of fluids composed of ultrasoft, nearly Gaussian particles. Namely, we explore the fluid phase diagram of a model in which particles interact via the generalized exponential potential u(r)=\epsilon exp[-(r/\sigma)^n], with a softness exponent n slightly larger than 2. In addition to the well-known anomaly associated to reentrant melting, the structure and dynamics of the fluid display two additional anomalies, which are visible in the isothermal variation of the structure factor and diffusivity. These features are correlated to the appearance of dimers in the fluid phase and to the subsequent modification of the cluster structure upon compression. We corroborate these results through an analysis of the local minima of the potential energy surface, in which clusters appear as much tighter conglomerates of particles. We find that reentrant melting and clustering coexist for softness exponents ranging from 2^+ up to values relevant for the description of amphiphilic dendrimers, i.e., n=3.
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