Monday, May 6, 2013

1305.0686 (Myfanwy E. Evans et al.)

Network-like propagation of cell-level stress in random foams    [PDF]

Myfanwy E. Evans, Andrew M. Kraynik, Douglas A. Reinelt, Klaus Mecke, Gerd E. Schröder-Turk
Quasistatic simple shearing flow of random monodisperse soap froth is investigated by analyzing Surface Evolver simulations of spatially periodic foams. Elastic-plastic behavior is caused by irreversible topological rearrangements (T1s) that occur when Plateau's laws are violated; the first T1s occur at the elastic limit and at large strains frequent cascades of T1s, composed of one or more individual T1s, sustain the yield-stress plateau. The stress and shape anisotropy of individual cells is quantified by $Q$, a scalar measure derived from the interface tensor that gauges each cell's contribution to the global stress. During each T1 cascade, the connected set of cells with decreasing $Q$, called the \textit{stress release domain}, is network-like and highly non-local. Geometrically, the network-like nature of the stress release domains is corroborated through morphological analysis using the Euler characteristic. The stress release domain is distinctly different from the set of cells that change topology during a T1 cascade. Our results highlight the unique rheological behavior of foams, where complex large-scale cooperative rearrangements of foam cells are observed as a consequence of distinctly local events.
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