Thursday, June 20, 2013

1306.4602 (Payam Rowghanian et al.)

Electrophoresis of a DNA Coil Near a Nanopore    [PDF]

Payam Rowghanian, Alexander Y. Grosberg
Motivated by DNA electrophoresis near a nanopore, we consider the flow field around an "elongated jet", a long thin source which injects momentum into a liquid. This solution qualitatively describes the electro-osmotic flow around a long rigid polymer, where due to electrohydrodynamic coupling, the solvent receives momentum from the electric field. Based on the qualitative behavior of the elongated jet solution, we develop a coarse-grained scheme which reproduces the known theoretical results regarding the electrophoretic behavior of a long rigid polymer and a polymer coil in a uniform field, which we then exploit to analyze the electrophoresis of a polymer coil in the non-uniform field near a nanopore.
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