Friday, July 20, 2012

1207.4737 (Bob Eisenberg)

Life's Solutions are Complex Fluids. A Mathematical Challenge    [PDF]

Bob Eisenberg
Classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics describe systems in which nothing interacts with nothing. Even the highly refined theory of simple fluids does not deal very well with electrical interactions, boundary conditions, or flows, if at all. Electrical interactions, boundary conditions, and flows are essential features of living systems. Life without flow is death and so a different approach is needed to study biology alive. The theory of complex fluids deals with interactions, boundary conditions, and flows quite well as can be seen in its successful treatment of liquid crystals. I advocate treating ionic solutions in general as complex fluids, with microelements that are the solutes and components of the solution. Enzyme active sites are a special case where some solutes are reactants. Solutes are crowded into active sites of enzyme by the high density of protein charges. The electric field links chemical reactions to charges in the protein and surrounding solutions. Interactions potentiate catalysis and control biological function. I suspect that most chemical reactions that occur in liquids also need to be treated by the theory of complex fluids. The electron movements of these reactions occur in a temporary highly concentrated fluctuation, a transient spatial inhomogeneity in the bulk solution. The electron movements of these reactions (described by quantum mechanics) are coupled to the electric (and sometimes steric) fields of the bulk solution. I suspect the electron movements, inhomogeneities, and chemical reaction (in the condensed phase) need to be treated by the theory of complex fluids because everything interacts with everything else, in this system, as in so many others.
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