Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1212.3657 (Etienne Marcotte et al.)

Designed Diamond Ground State via Optimized Isotropic Monotonic Pair

Etienne Marcotte, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato
We apply inverse statistical-mechanical methods to find a simple family of optimized isotropic, monotonic pair potentials, under certain constraints, whose ground states for a wide range of pressures is the diamond crystal. These constraints include desirable phonon spectra and the widest possible pressure range for stability. We also ascertain the ground-state phase diagram for a specific optimized potential to show that other crystal structures arise for other pressures. Cooling disordered configurations interacting with our optimized potential to absolute zero frequently leads to the desired diamond crystal ground state, revealing that the capture basin for the global energy minimum is large and broad relative to the local energy minima basins.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.3657

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