Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1302.2511 (C. B. O'Donovan et al.)

Mean-field granocentric approach in 2D & 3D polydisperse, frictionless

C. B. O'Donovan, E. I. Corwin, M. E. Möbius
We have studied the contact network properties of two and three dimensional polydisperse, frictionless sphere packings at the random closed packing density through simulations. We observe universal correlations between particle size and contact number that are independent of the polydispersity of the packing. This allows us to formulate a mean field version of the granocentric model to predict the contact number distribution P(z). We find the predictions to be in good agreement with a wide range of discrete and continuous size distributions. The values of the two parameters that appear in the model are also independent of the polydispersity of the packing. Finally we look at the nearest neighbour spatial correlations to investigate the validity of the granocentric approach. We find that both particle size and contact number are anti-correlated which contrasts with the assumptions of the granocentric model. Despite this shortcoming, the correlations are sufficiently weak which explains the good approximation of P(z) obtained from the model.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.2511

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