Michel Destrade, Nigel H. Scott
An isotropic elastic half space is prestrained so that two of the principal axes of strain lie in the bounding plane, which itself remains free of traction. The material is subject to an isotropic constraint of arbitrary nature. A surface wave is propagated sinusoidally along the bounding surface in the direction of a principal axis of strain and decays away from the surface. The exact secular equation is derived by a direct method for such a principal surface wave; it is cubic in a quantity whose square is linearly related to the squared wave speed. For the prestrained material, replacing the squared wave speed by zero gives an explicit bifurcation, or stability, criterion. Conditions on the existence and uniqueness of surface waves are given. The bifurcation criterion is derived for specific strain energies in the case of four isotropic constraints: those of incompressibility, Bell, constant area, and Ericksen. In each case investigated, the bifurcation criterion is found to be of a universal nature in that it depends only on the principal stretches, not on the material constants. Some results related to the surface stability of arterial wall mechanics are also presented.
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