Thursday, July 4, 2013

1307.0695 (Timm Krüger et al.)

Crossover from tumbling to tank-treading-like motion in dense simulated
suspensions of red blood cells

Timm Krüger, Markus Gross, Dierk Raabe, Fathollah Varnik
Via computer simulations, we provide evidence that the shear rate induced red blood cell tumbling-to-tank-treading transition also occurs at quite high volume fractions, where collective effects are important. The transition takes place as the ratio of suspension stress to the characteristic cell membrane stress exceeds a certain value, independent of volume fraction and cell deformability. This value coincides with that for a transition from an orientationally less ordered to a highly ordered phase. The average cell deformation does not show any signature of the transition, but rather follows a simple scaling law independent of volume fraction.
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